Recent Keyword Activity for March 2008

It’s always good for a post to check referers. I’ll just pick the recent ones and comment. Simple and effective. Plus then I start my own google bomb to get these to the top. Very self-referential and weird!

NY escort kottke: Must be wondering what kottke thinks about Gov. Spitzer resigning or even looking for some special service.

apple unboxing: Looking for some great computer porn.

oksana akinshina naked: What’s a week without this search term?

when love is unrequited the whole world is crap: Searches for NewsRadio quotes drive traffic here.

doobie keebler: ditto

ellen page show me love: Is she making the English remake? I hope she isn’t? She’s too sassy for an Agnes.

cool lamp shades: I keep meaning to get me some.

8-bit video game music: Sounds cool!

negative about monte pego: Can’t think of any. Oh, here’s one: it’s too far away right now. Darn.

That’s it for today. There’s no naked Oksana Akinshina here! Look for Oksana Akinshina naked here!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.