The Treachery of Dreams

This is not a dream.

But I have been having them these last few days. Most likely due to the fact that I am really trying to get my self up early and by just thinking about it, I wander in the nether-dreamworld that occurs minutes before my eyes open. When they do, my most delicious of dreams are just that, dreams.

This is all prelude to me again writing what occurred in them here. And S is in them both. (Here we go again.)

I’m back working in Rubys. I think we both are. We’re chatting across the bar. The bartender is there as well. We’re flirting with each other. As the bartender, restocks the bar with beer. I take her by the hand. I think I kiss it. I wake up and it’s Tuesday at 6:15.

I’m at my friends house. We’re waiting for the party to start. S shows up. With some guy friend. I go up stairs and play guitar with my buddy. I go find S. She’s in the dining room drinking beer. I go find S. She’s on the porch, lounging in a chair, looking every bit as sexy as I remembered. Those feet of hers shod in sneakers, propped up on a table. She’s wearing capris and a white blouse. I spy her there through the windows in the door and the entryway. She’s talking with some guy. I end up outside. My friend tells me that Petit Louis closed at the location across from his house. They’ve gone franchise and can be found all over Baltimore. He says they converted the church across the street into a Rubys. I wake up and it’s Wednesday at 6:30.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “The Treachery of Dreams”

  1. find her and ask her out

  2. I don’t know who any of you are talking about!?!

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