What’s on Page 123?

Found on Crooked Tmber. And because I haven’t posted in a while. Let me do this meme. You can too.

1. Grab the nearest book (that is at least 123 pages long).
2. Open to p. 123.
3. Go down to the 5th sentence.
4. Type in the following 3 sentences.
5. Tag five people.

What books do I have on hand? The absolute nearest to me is The Saga of the Icelanders by some really old Icelanders, I guess. Page 123 is in the middle of Egil’s Saga.

“Then he spoke a verse:

I could not stand the ugly
land-claimer’s wrath;
no cuckoo will alight knowing
that the squawking eagle prowls.
There, as before, I benefited
from the bear of the hearth-seat.
No one need give up who boasts
such a loyal helper on his travels.”

That’s more than 3 sentences, but it I can’t really tell what 3 sentences are when most of it is in verse. Yikes! Those darn sagas.

Your turn whomever you are.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

6 Replies to “What’s on Page 123?”

  1. this is interesting but i dont want to do mine yet. well coz the book i grabbed was the book im reading, and i dont want to jump there yet or else i’ll break the streak that the book is trying to do. LOL!

  2. @marge: Read faster, so that I can enjoy that book. Or at least pretend to.

  3. sorry. we are playing. i cant go back to the book. haha! =)

  4. yey! heres my share!

    “And he faced an opponent in Democratic nominee Ann Richards who had a controversial public image and a history of personal problems.

    Newsweek described the contest as between “a millionaire political novice who sits on a white horse, tips his Stetson hat when he greets a woman and has settled at least a couple of disagreements with fisticuffs… and a feminist and recovering alcoholic who put her white bouffant on the national map by telling the country (at the 1988 Democratic NAtional Convention) that President George Bush was ‘born with a silver foot in his mouth.'” A cowboy versus a feminist?”


  5. That’s a disturbing book to be reading. And you had to wait several days before being able to post that? Is it that engrossing? Or is it too boring?

    Sheesh. I waited days for that?! 😉

  6. because!!! i was playing Rock Band!!! and the book is interesting. i just had to squeeze it in between several other stuff i had to do.

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