“I drink your milkshake. I drink it up!”

Wonderful exposition of the catchphrase of the year. You must see this movie. When was the last time I gave a 5 star review? Let me think some more about this movie, but I will leave you with teh awesome

There Will Be Blood

5 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to ““I drink your milkshake. I drink it up!””

  1. the more i think about this movie, i get more convinced that it was better even than No Country. its the Daniel Day Lewis effect on me also i think

  2. It blew away No Country like Anton Chigurgh’s cattle killer. I am more impressed by There will be blood the more i think about it.

  3. and i still call it the”Seed’s” movie. haha! im reading the script, and the descriptions were really great.

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