
Steve Jobs is going to move the world again today.He'll introduce something new and then it'll be on the news tonight.And maybe I'll have a new laptop next week.As for what he'll introduce, I don't know. Perhaps the mythical thin
line MacBooks. I'm not jonesing for one, but perhaps new MacBook Pros.Don't know.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

12 Replies to “Keynote”

  1. What evs. It was a dissapointing event. Macbook Air is cool and all but it’s just a crippled notebook selling for a premium. No thanks. I’d rather get an iPhone and a MBP.

    At least they finally dropped the price of the Apple Tv and finally have 5.1 and HD content. Finally. Now if they just adapt Netflix’s monthly plans then I may switch. But for 4.99 rentals each… eeesh. I’ll wait.

  2. They need content. They only have 1000 flix so far. I don’t think I would download any movies for rent. Perhaps netflix will be better: they’ve gone unlimited even for the 1 disc at a time user.

    You say that now for the Air, but wait until you see it!

  3. But it’s a start. That’s all I’m saying. I wouldn’t mind if the HD content is decent. It would be so much easier then dealing with discs, but yeah, nothing can compete with Netflix’s library.
    I could see that changing and actually beating Netflix one day. It would be a great place to get indie films much like the indie music scene. Especially now that they have a subtitling option.

    At least that’s what I hope for.

    As for the mac Air it’s a bit pricey for 1.8 with no optical. I’m sure it’s cool LOOKING. But it’s sort of pointless. I’m sure we’ll move to that direction someday, but I feel we’re a good year before that type of laptop can be truly implemented. No fire wire is a deal breaker for me. Also that little trap door on the side creeps me out.

    If I’m gonna lug something around I might as well lug a MBP for that price. If you just want to surf the net get an iPhone or a iTouch.

    But that’s just me.

  4. I disagree about the Air being pointless. This is another subtle computing machine tweak.

    First the iphone placing a computing device on a cell phone.

    Now the Air w/o an optical drive. Remember the original bondi blue imac w/o the floppy. It killed the need for diskettes. This may not kill the need for CDs or DVDs but it is starting down the path.

    Software is no longer distributed on CDs or DVDs. You can download the trial version off the net. Music the same. Movies soon. This is the first of the wireless machines. SkyNet soon.

    I also like the multi-touch trackpad. Pretty cool. I can’t wait for that to be firmwared into my new MacBook Pro

  5. im dreaming right now though. im dreaming that in a year and a half, it will be worth a trade against my machine now. im hoping that by that time it will be at least 2.3 and u can expand the memory

  6. I don’t know. I guess it’s good for the person that already has a heavy machine at home. I couldn’t imagine the Mac Air as a one and only. It seems to need too many accessories.

    The encased battery is a bummer too. I’m not saying it isn’t cool. It just doesn’t do anything for me personally. Also this means that once you get this machine you need to implement all it’s accessories too. You need a external drive and adapters to jump on ethernet. It’s still to slow to transfer massive amounts of data over the air.

    I just don’t get why one would purchase this over the pro. The price is the same when you add everything up, hell it’s even more expensive. Also considering the average software now is in the gigs.

    I guess it’s just the price that bothers me. It has less for more. I would gladly take even a Macbook over this. I mean either way your lugging a 14 inch peace of polycarb. It may be thinner, but shit, it doesn’t fold into your pocket. so either way you got to have a bag.

    Good luck using things like Photoshop or Aperature.

    I think in another year this machine will be what it needs to be. It just seems like a compromise as of now. It already feels outdated. I know it’s not built for heavy lifting of an software, but that’smy point. Who’s this aimed at? And since when did you have to by the remote separately?

    The innovation seems more software then hardware. Yes the machine is thinner but it’s basically a bare bones machine with a slow ass drive. The Solid State aspect is obviously the coolest thing about it. But 64 gigs will give you 45 to 50 gigs when all is said and done.I guess it’s the shuffle of the Macbooks.

    But don’t get me wrong I definitely can’t wait to see this dinky ass machine.

  7. Actually I forgot this machine is aluminum. Not plastic.

  8. yeah 64GB of solid state vs 80GB of PATA. but come on! i already have a 120GB SATA! thats only part of the whole thing but it makes u realize that patience or waiting for something better to come up will be the best idea, coz right now, all u can think of is that this machine is such a rip.

  9. Makes you want to purchase an iPhone though.

    iTouch would be awesome if you could use it of satellites and not just wifi.

  10. I don’t think, if you’re shopping for a laptop, that you would compare a pro to the air. You would compare it to the MacBook itself.

    Also, you would most likely use this as a secondary machine. If everything you do is online, and free wifi is everywhere then you can do your work off somewhere else and you don’t have to carry a heavy load.

    As for doing image editing or movie stuff on it. You know that it’s not built for that. It could in a pinch but it would be painful.

    I dont want to be an apologist for this machine. It’s not something I would buy, but I think its another way apple is looking at the future of computing.

  11. the thing to compare it with the Pro for me is how expensive this is compared to the Pro when the Pro has the better features. but if it is a user like me, then maybe i would consider getting it for the heck of getting it. but then again, i want the most out of my money, so if in a year they will not give me what im expecting it to be, then i would consider a new Macbook or even a Pro with much upgrades. at least it isnt 30hundred without a lot of kinks.


  12. Perhaps y’all are looking at this the wrong way.

    The Air is cool. No doubt about it. It’s thin and lightweight, and for someone like me who’s on the road quite a bit – that’s a compelling reason alone to purchase the Air. It’s certainly better than the Sony offering.

    The external optical drive is certainly an annoyance and a throwback to the first and second generation PowerBooks, but is it absolutely necessary? I think of the times on the road when I’ve really needed the optical drive and usually it’s when I’m pirating the W Hotel music CD that’s in my room, or maybe taking the time to watch a DVD (which is very rare).

    So that extra optical drive can be tossed into the luggage with the power adaptors and used in the hotel room. For those times that I must bring along my own movies during the flight, I’ve never used a disc because it kills the batteries – and economy seats do not have power ports.

    If you want to complain about the Air and make comparisons to the iPhone, let’s just say that the iPhone falls very short when compared to the iPod. The memory is limited and the iPhone simply cannot do many of the things that a laptop can – most notably the ability to store data from my camera. And when you’re on the road shooting images, this can become a problem.

    The Air is what it is. It’s not for everyone. I don’t even know if it is for me yet. And to complain about the price? Apple has always been the most expensive toy on the block. Complain about it all you want, the price ain’t coming down. Go get a job, work for your money and spend it however you wish. That’s what I do.

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