2008 Day 2

Second day of the new year and I go back to work. It still sucks as much as anything, but hopefully this short week makes the weekend come faster.

Here’s a nice little ditty. You’ll recognize it as the opening song to Fucking Åmål. This is the best I can do to find it. I like it. For a Swedish band. Enjoy.

Whatever happened to YouTube links instead of imbeds?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “2008 Day 2”

  1. Dude. Mascara rockers are out.

  2. Yes. But not in Sweden!

  3. They sound cool, but the singer needs to work on his stage presence. He comes off looking like a seizing duck.

  4. @jive talkin’: You know I never really watched it too much. I just having this video playing in another tab while surfin’ the net. He does look a little weird. Must be a Swedish thing.

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