Love in the Time of Cholera

Lance Mannion, my favorite blog writer, writes of missed opportunity at the bookstore. Loved the tale. Once again, he shows how compelling a writer he is always provocative and provoking of thinking from his readers.

I spend lots of my time in bookstores. Friday and Saturday nights or Sunday days perhaps just hoping for some kind of missed opportunity as well. Very little is left to chance and as it so happens it’s happened very little to me.

Except today, I was in the BN burning off a coupon for 60% off an item (Ken Burn’s Jazz for only $72!). I pay for my purchase. The girl ringing me up says as she hands me the bag, “You know you’re handsome.”

Uhh, thanks?!?.

And I walk away.

It brings me back to Lance Mannion’s post. Missed opportunity?

Maybe. I haven’t flirted with a girl in a long time. Was this even flirting? Did she say it as a statement of fact? Or was this something else? I am probably flattering myself, but I don’t ever remember a girl tell me something like that. Just one of those things I guess.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

8 Replies to “Love in the Time of Cholera”

  1. What the?!!!!! I never EVER get that. That is dissapointing. I wish I didn’t read that.

  2. u missed the opportunity! as what lance mannion said, go back!!! then again that must be fate. but then, next time there is an opportunity, just take it. and lance armstrong is dating again.

  3. I think you’re lucky. I’m waiting for someone other than my parents says that to me.

  4. I think that it was flattering, but I feel slightly perturbed by not responding. I imagine that I would one day meet cute the perfect girl for me. But I always seem to let it slide by. Something I don’t like but I let happen all the time.

  5. Dude you should go and talk to her. You’ll think about it too much if your dont. Let love in

  6. Now that I think about it. I don’t think she was flirting with me. Why? Isn’t it just normal for girls to say that to guys?

    @CapitolSwell: Going back? I go back every weekend! We’ll see. 🙂

  7. You know I have told this to guys before in that matter of fact way, just because I think it and think hey, maybe it would be a nice thing for someone to tell someone else. I don’t think I would necessarily say it to a guy that I was really interested in, I think I would be too shy or nervous.

    This may be your moment tho! Go back and say what the hell. See if she bites..

    come with us to the farmer’s market next time and get some practice in!

  8. This reminds me of what King Arthurs’ men in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” did: RUN AWAY!!!

    It’s already been said that you should go back and chat with the girl. However, I think this is the wrong move: you need to be prepared.

    You should IMMEDIATELY go to and order “The Game” by Neil Strauss. Have it overnighted. Read it. Highlight it. Use book tabs. While the simple-minded will dismiss it as a “pick-up manual” and the foolish will state that they “don’t need” something like this (bear in mind, they’re also the hapless single ones), it’s really a study of human inter-personal relationships and how to best utilize that understanding to meet, chat and date women.

    It’s more than just trying to get laid. It’s about being mentally prepared to do more than run away when you meet the girl of your dreams.

    Don’t be Florentino Ariza and have to wait 51 years to declare your enduring love…

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