España 2007: Madrid

These are cool rooms blurred Plaza de Santa Ana Yglesias Que es? Tourism in Madrid

Aug 17, 2007

12:45 Madrid – Hotel Alicia
What am I doing in my room? I should be out partying. Now. Got into Madrid about 2:30 yesterday. Ate some donuts on the road. Got told to fuck off by Walter because of driving en España. Had some tapas on the square. Ate dinner at 10:30 at Muséo dé Jamon. This hotel is too vogue-ish.

9:10 Hotel Alicia
Toured Madrid all day. Went to the Prado. Saw just about everything again. Went to Rénia Sofia. Saw Miro, Picasso, Guarnica, Tired. Bought tchotkes. I’m out of cash. Only have €5.30.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.