Not Tivo

After arriving home from Spain, I find out my Tivo isn’t working. This particular model is connected with my DirectTV receiver. The shows were coming in fine, but it didn’t record.

So naturally, I reboot.

Big mistake.

The shows from the satellite stop showing and I’m forever stuck at the start up screen.

First of all, this is the second machine that’s done this. I think also I went away for the week and came back to find Tivo gone. I think I turned up the thermostat causing the hard drive to overheat and go bye-bye.

Second, that is the worst design ever. I can’t use my satellite receiver once I restarted the machine. What bone head designed this thing. They should’ve been separate processes with barely any dependencies upon them.

So any way I solve my problem the way I know best. I buy another DirectTV receiver with DVR.

Let me stress that, WITH DVR.

It’s not Tivo, but some lame ass DVR.

It doesn’t work like Tivo.

It’s not elegant like Tivo.

It feels funny and acts totally different.

It’s not Tivo.

I don’t like it.

Like a Windows machine.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Not Tivo”

  1. BitTorrent.

    Let it be your friend.

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