Our Brand Is Crisis

Since it has been several weeks that I have reviewed any movies, it may seem like I didn’t watch anything in the theaters. Yeah, I know that I was too busy with “Nogizakatte doko?”, “Nogibingo!”, and any and all Nogizaka related things, but I did catch a few first run movies.

Our Brand Is Crisis I saw last month. Now I just have to put a few thoughts together…

Yeah, I don’t remember this one too much.

It was based on a documentary, Our Brand Is Crisis, which followed American political campaigners in Latin America. So, the fictional story is based on real events.

Sandra Bullock plays Jane Bodine a once hotshot political adviser. She’s been out of the game for years, because she kept losing to a James Caravelle type rival played by a bald Billy Bob Thornton. She’s pulled back into the game by operatives trying to fix a Bolivian presidential campaign. They get her off her rump by giving her a chance to take down Billy Bob. She bites. But at first she doesn’t like to. Then she finally does give in and turns on the heat to get her guy elected by running a negative campaign.

It turned out to be a Sandra Bullock movie. She starts off sad. She then becomes morose. But pulls it together to be happy in the end.

Billy Bob Thornton phones it in, but does provide a nice counterpoint to the Bullock movie.

Anything Anthony Mackie has been in has been fine. He’s the best part of the movie.

Overall, I would not have seen this on my own, but since I was sort of dragged to it, it was a forgettable, but enjoyable 2 hours. I liked the popcorn.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.