“I did get an 800 on my math SATs.”

3:10 to Yuma.

All story short, it’s a western. Like all westerns, there’s the good guy as portrayed by Christian Bale who must make his son believe that he is a man. And there’s the bad guy, Russell Crowe, being as charming and benevolent as evil can be to lure Christian Bale’s son to the dark side.

Is it an allegory of growing up and admiring your pa? Or is it one about the goodness in us all?

It’s set up to be just the good guy delivering the bad guy to the train station to be taken to jail. That is all.

Not bad. It’s hard to say that the bad guy (and his henchmen) who so remorseless kills people can have the change of heart he experiences in the last 10 minutes of the film. Other than that it was a nice, neat little oater that brings back the western genre of cowboys, indians, horses, cattle and ranches to the cinema screen. Not the best of the genre just another of its films that comprise the American experience.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.