“We need more complaint cards.”

Amazon has released their online music store. MP3s for $0.89. Whole albums for as low as $5.00.

Apple should be worried.

No pernicious DRM to keep you from moving the files to and from wherever. Works with the iPod. And cheaper too.

They even have a download manager that’ll copy it to iTunes for you.

Competition has just arrived.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to ““We need more complaint cards.””

  1. Good. Competition is always welcome. I haven’t purchased too much with Apple because of that whole DRM stuff. There’s work arounds but who wants to take extra steps for what they paid for?

    Thank god for Amazon for most things.

  2. did u know that Real Player has it too? $12 per month for the Real Plus subscription. it has a downloadable software good for Macs. so u get into it then u try to go around, hmm…. quite good stuff but not a lot. wait, let me check the movies… eep! rainbow ball rolling but nothing coming up! lets try the music player. “sorry but it doesnt work with Macs.”

    dont ask why i know…

  3. DRM what’s that? 😉 And who cares about it anyway? I don’t mind it, because the DRM Apple uses works with their shit. I would feel different if I was into Windows Media shit.

    I don’t think it matters to me if it’s MP3 or DRM AAC just let me play it on my iPhone.

    I like the idea of competition. It gonna have to make Apple play little more nicer now. I think were just beginning to see the chinks in the iPod-iTunes armor. The content owners (NBC ABC) not wanting to play. MP3s as an alternative. Apple is gonna have to adapt if it wants to stay ahead of the game. Is this price lockin gonna cost them? I think it will weaken their position.

    @m a r g e: Don’t be fooled by subscription services they’ll go under and all your music will quickly bitrot. Plus real suxz!

    Hopefully, Apple can adapt, but still be nice. Don’t become the MS juggernaut of music downloads, please.

  4. I thought you meant something else when you said “chinks”. It was my sub-conscience racist in me. =) Or that is potty mouth friktard of a child that I am.

    DRM-Digital Rights but I know you know that. My problem is that I actually still make CDs. Yup I burn music into a physical disk. What can I say I like making mixes and sometimes giving it to people. I have an external burner so the protected music won’t burn. It’ll come out blank. Besides I purchased the damn. Why can’t I do as I please. Hence why I still buy used CDs. They’re cheap and it’s a physical file.

    But that’s just me.

    Geez Marge… you download anything. =) Real player? Can’t remember the last time I used on of thems.

  5. yes i did. thank god i woke up after 4 hours and realized how worthless it is. so i called them up. then the agent asked why i am canceling my subscription, and plain and simple, its not working. “but u can use the radio player?” what the?!? im not gonna pay $12 for a stupid radio player?!? oh well! =o)

    oh yeah! that was the same time i upgraded to F-Pro! haha!

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