Villa Ellicott

Villa Ellicott
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Weather’s beautiful. Wish you were here.

Sent from my iPhone

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Villa Ellicott”

  1. The iPhone cammy makes everything look like an 80’s Soap Opera. Beware Stephano!!!!

    Hee hee. Loooks awesome over there. It’s nice here in B-more.

  2. Seed, how the HELL do you know who Stephano is??

    Yeah!!! iPhone works over there!! Veryy jealous am I. Enjoy!!!

  3. Come on. Who doesn’t know the troubles of Salem?

    The iPhone is quite clever.

  4. the smoky feel to the pic makes it dreamy 80s (or retro).

    who is Stephano? hehe! never mind! =p

    and iPhone is amazing that i was wishing i was holding one while i was on my vacation. damn!

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