Coming Soon

I usually don’t like watching a show at The Charles because it’s so far away and antiquated. Except they have a couple of movies playing that I really would like to watch, Paris, je t’aime and Once. They may be only playing for a limited time so I think I need to hurry up.

Also, The Charles is having a film noir retrospective until the end of summer. There’s some films there I want to see. In particular, Double Indemnity on the big screen would be rather cool. You know why.

Of course, also this upcoming week is a big movie one. Die Hard 4 is opening up today, Ratatouille for the weekend, and Transformers for July 4. That’s a lot to see in the theatres.

I hope to get to some of these.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.