On the road. Almost.

I was on my bike today. Then I was off it fixing a flat. I had already changed the tube once this summer, because of a slow leak. As a cyclist, you should always know how to fix a flat. I know how to.

I just put a spare tube in.

It’s cheating, I know, but it’s the easiest way.

If you have the tools.

I keep some tire irons in a saddle bag. They help to get the tire off the rim. I keep the spare tube in there as well. It would help if I kept a pump, but I have one of those CO2 canister dispensers. Of course it would’ve been good if I had some CO2. I had left it in the dispenser which probably made all the air leak out of it.

I was left on the side of the road twenty minutes into the ride. I had to call my mom up to pick me up once I found out that I don’t have any air to fill my replacement tube. Stuck on the side of the road. Waiting.

So I learned today to keep a spare air in the saddle bag. And not to put the CO2 canister locked in the dispenser. I am a fool.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.