Sullivan’s Travels

Ants in Your Pants of 1939 sounds like a fantastic movie. If it was real. It’s one of the funny films directed by John L Sullivan. It’s such a great money maker for his studio that the execs want him to direct another comedy, perhaps Ants in Your Pants of 1941. Sullivan doesn’t want to. He wants to direct a movie with pathos and gravitas like a Capra film. And maybe with a little sex in it. But he doesn’t have the life experience to direct such a movie. What does he know? So he outfits himself as a hobo and goes in search for that American experience. Hilarity ensues. That’s the film in a nutshell. The film he wanted to make was “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” Needless to say it doesn’t get made because of the epiphany he experiences in his search for hobo gold.

Sullivan’s Travels was Preston Sturges’s film after The Lady Eve. It’s one of several films he wrote and directed during the 1940’s which was a very creative and fruitful period for him. I bought his box set that not only had both The Lady Eve and Sullivan’s Travels but five other good films. Each one hilarious in their own right.

If you like movies with some really good dialogue, you can’t do better than one of these Preston Sturges flicks.

4 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.