Heads Exploding

If you had asked me when the action flick, Shooter, first came out to watch it, I would’ve told you that 40 horses couldn’t drag me to see that film. I’m glad I changed my mind.

I caught it this evening, and enjoyed every minute of it. It’s got more heads exploding than Scanners. Every victim died from a bullet to the head shot from a mile to mere inches. You knew everytime someone would peak their head out that it was going to explode in a gush of blood.

Nothing but heads exploding!

And I laughed from the absurdity of it all.

Does that make me psychotic?

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Heads Exploding”

  1. great…. i missed it…

  2. Don’t forget the glorious arm dismemberment. I believe this movie was a remake of “Rambo: First Blood”.

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