Final ‘Potter’ Title Announced

I can’t believe the hullabaloo that the new title to the latest Harry Potter has caused. I mean it’s like episode 1 all over again.

I’m excited for it. 2007 is shaping up to be a banner year in entertainment.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Final ‘Potter’ Title Announced”

  1. You can already sign up for it at Borders. That’s crazy. It’s not even finished yet. Sooner or later I’ll get around reading those suckers. Everyone keeps raving about those books.

  2. I can’t wait for it. She’s about done. It’s a fun read, and it’s great to be in the “know.” You should read it because it is the definitive fantasy series for this generation. Imagine Tolkien having this type of adoration in his time. Crazy. This may be the book I do place an early order for.

  3. That’s a good point. It’s amazing what a person can accomplish.

  4. Got that same notice from Borders! CAN’T WAIT CAN’T WAIT! Reading them is so much better than watching them translated on film- for example:

    The last movie had a lot of teen angst. Sooo much better reading about teen angst then actually watching teen angst.

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