
As you know, my car was being fixed. It turns out the lower turbo
outlet pipe fitting on the intercooler had popped off. That is the
“popping” noise I heard. The sensors came on in response to that. Anyway it was fixed all of 15 minutes before it came off again
yesterday. That sucks. I had my cousin, Joe, help fix it. We aligned the pipes together. We
expanded the wedge. I hope it’s working. Yet, now it is Russian
roulette driving that sucker. I didn’t go back to the shop. What’s the point?For all you dudes with 1.8T AWW engines, that connection at the
turbo-to-intercooler is pretty week. They had replaced a hose clamp
with “quick release.” You’ve got to see this thing to believe it. I
wonder what the aftermarket for this part looks like?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Boost”

  1. Sorry I missed your 2nd call last night – do you still want a copy of my manual? At least you know what’s wrong now!

    (Why can’t you switch to beta? I had to sign in with TL’s account to comment!)

  2. That’s weird, it posted as me anyway?

  3. I had a copy at home out of reach at the time.

    It looks as though we assembled all parts together. There’s an O ring that is shown, but there was one on the connecting hose.

  4. An O Ring…..

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