Movie Reviewing

I figure that lots of my posts here are movie reivews. I made a commitment a while ago to watch as many films in theatres as possible. Lately, I don’t feel like it, because movies are sucking. Looking over my reviews of the last year I would say that most are 2 stars or less. The summer of 2005 was bad, but no where as sucky as the summer of 2006. Wha’ happened?

Anyway, all this is a lead up to posting about The House Next Door. A movie blog that does some excellent reviews. This is how I wish I could make my reviews zing. Or failing that, this is how I wish my movie reviews could be. Check them out.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Movie Reviewing”

  1. Personally I prefer your reviews, because it’s not all stuffy. There straightfoward, shooting from the hip style. I think more truth is revealed through that then most established “critics”. Hell an opinion is just an opinion.

  2. Where’s today’s post dude? Time is a ticking,

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