“Dude, see if you can follow me here. Being inefficient and you being lonely, they’re not the same thing.”

It starts out in the grocery store. I spy I. I maneuver to get close to her. We meet cute. I introduce her to my mom.

Next we’re in her car. It must be a date or something. She’s driving but on the right hand side. Would I like to hear music? She slides in an 8 track, but it plays some recent stuff. I think Lionel Ritchie was on the front of the tape.

Next we’re sitting on a couch. Side by side. My head’s a bit lower than hers. She kisses me. I wonder aloud about all the time we missed being together. She says she’s been waiting all this time. We kiss again. We’re making out now.

This dream put me in a pensive mood this morning. I was distracted at work. It’s another one of my sad, pathetic dreams of girls gone by. Unfortunately, I blog them because they are so damn important to me. There would’ve been a more descriptive account, but I dreamt that post up, too.

This blog is nothing but Mac, movies, and sad, sad dreams. (At least, I’m posting frequently.)

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.