“Dorks! Dorks! Dorks! Dorks!”

Unlike my buddy,
Wyman Lee, I am not an artist, but we do share the same passion for comics. Whereas he went to the biggy in NYC, I stopped by Baltimore’s Comic Con today with my brother. It’s a little bit smaller, but just as engaging. Mainly we browsed the back issue bins of the dealers. I did get some current issues, because I haven’t been to the comic store in awhile. I also picked up some Gundam toys.

Lou Ferrigno was signing autographs at a booth. He’s pretty bulked up. The veins in his arms were visible from several feet away. We didn’t get his autograph, because he was asking twenty bucks, and I had just spent most of my cash. I should’ve walked across the street from the convention center to the Bank of America ATM and grabbed more cash.

Anyway it was neat. There’s so much to read. I’ll have to go to the comic shop next week to catch up.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to ““Dorks! Dorks! Dorks! Dorks!””

  1. Yo, I was there on Saturday and was kinda bored.

    btw, have you ever seen the UK TV series, Spaced? Caught the two seasons on YouTube. Usually don’t like show that parody pop culture but they do it pretty awesomely (if awesomely was a word).

  2. Did you do some things? Go to some of the panel discussions?

    All we did was look at the back issues and buy some toys. I should’ve bought a mug or something else besides the Gundam.

    Lou Ferrigno was there, but no one was stopping by.

  3. Yeah, Hulk alone. Saw a couple panels. Not that interesting.

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