You, Me and Dupree

The only thing saving this movie from being a complete waste of time is the cameo by last year’s Tour de France winner, Lance Armstrong. In fact, Owen Wilson’s character, Dupree finds himself by becoming a better cyclist. That is what I want to do.Other than that, it’s as stupid a film as you would expect. Matt Dillon is still hilarious although he acts as if he’s a more mature person than his Something About Mary character. Kate Hudson is very invisible in this movie. She’s there to show off her booty. And Micheal Douglas? What?!The one thing I commented on during the film is the relationship between Kate Hudson and her dad played by Micheal Douglas. They don’t seem to be father-daughter. Matt Dillon supposedly works for him, yet how did he meet his daughter if the the two don’t even talk. Dillon was getting grief from the dad all movie long, but did Kate step in at all? No. I think the script as originally written didn’t have Micheal Douglas as father of Kate Hudson. They just added it for filler and a secondary subplot. That shows how thin a plot this movie had.Bleh, but serviceable.3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

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