Urban Commute

Yesterday, I was in Arlington, VA for a technical workshop. I left my home hours before I really should’ve in order to avoid DC traffic. I was down in VA before 7 am, so I went looking for breakfast. After eating, I walked around the hotel to kill more time. I watched as the commuters began to arrive. The hotel is next to a metro station so there were plenty of commuters walking to the metro to get to work. There were other commuters riding bikes as well. I found this a
fascinating sight.
My commute is nothing more than a 45 minute/30 mile drive alone in my car. You don’t see many people at 70 mph.
After the workshop ended, I stopped by a Starbuck’s and again watched the commuters, and shoppers too, walk from the metro station to wherever they were going. That’s what’s missing in my commute. I saw cute girls, fat girls, happy girls, foreign girls. You don’t see that at 70 mph.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Urban Commute”

  1. That’s actually a nice little short right there and it is fascinating. I miss that about LA. I think that’s one of the best things you’ve ever written.

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