Big Nerd Ranch: Day 3

Hump day and the time here is getting short. We’ve so far covered another seven chapters in the book plus and additional CoreData chapter that Aaron has put together. A lot of it today being keyboard input, mouse events, and custom views. Unfortunately, my application is not coming along as I don’t have the heart to dive into the TextStorageLayer or discern the intricacies of NSTextContainers. I really wanted to learn the design of a GUI application, but I don’t feel that I have gotten it so far. Do you put objects in their proper place through code or through design? I feel that writing an application like the way we’ve been learning will result in a massive re-write or re-factoring for a 2.0 version. This is a mystery. I need it solved.

Also, on the daily hike, we enjoyed a nice dip in the river out back. We froliced in the shallows enjoying the cool cascade of water after the hike. On each daily hike the mass of Big Nerds has been dwindling. Today, with the announcement of a swim after the hike, we had a wholesale bailout of about a almost half of our numbers, and even then it was only six of us who braved the river. I like doing these things. Swimming in a local place is always much fun. It feels like I had been there. There are no pictures because the batteries of my camera died.

I have finished “Spin.” It has been a very good read. I hadn’t read science fiction in a long time, but this book is as thrilling as any of the classics. It was a Hugo Award finalist. I’ll lend it to you when I get back.


Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.