V for Vendetta

As promised.

V for Vendetta is an adaptation of the Alan Moore graphic novel of the same name. I have read the book. The themes are the same, but something has changed. The graphic novel is a rant against the Thatcher England. Think, fascism in the UK, and the Clash singing, “Clampdown.” That was the milleau that the comic was written in.

The movie is also a product of its times. Although, it was still set in London, it really is an indictment of the Bush adminisitration. Everything this corrupt White House spouts is reflected in the fascistic government of the film. The party line espoused by the media. The corrupt church. Torture of people. Demonizing gays. That’s all the Bush admin is about.

This movie was subversive. One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.

4 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.