New Blood

When beginning prograrmming, you usually write a “hello, world” program. This post from my cousin can be considered one. Of course it is lame as can be, but I hope to heck that her writing gets better.

We’re getting a quorum together, so now we must watch what we write. Whatever?!

Update: Looks as though yin-yang has changed the original post to something even more inane. That link above doesn’t work. Use the one. Anyway, welcome to the blogosphere, yin-yang.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “New Blood”

  1. New blood is good, i wish more people were on…

  2. Trial by Fire…or should i say firing squad!

  3. When now it ain’t all a boys club. What will happen to our hotties list?!

  4. Josh Lucas….what a hottie!!

  5. Who the f**K is that?

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