Why I procrastinate

I so much want to be better writer. When faced with the blank sheet of paper or the empty new document, I seize up. My brain has millions of things it wants to write down, but my fingers only type things that are not exactly as the brain has thought. I started blogging to help me write. If you notice, not all of it is good. A lot of it is bad. I try to be a better writer, but can’t. So I don’t. That is my procrastination source.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Why I procrastinate”

  1. That’s what I use the blog for… to just jot down anything. Whether it will be crap or not. It’s a good way to filter out everything in your head. I notice I tend to babble rather than have a cohesive whole. I tend to have choppy, linked sentences rather than long flowing paragraphs. But I believe in the long run of things. It’s like video editing. There’s a lot of shit that gets filmed needlessly. You just have to filter through all the crap and mold your end product. It’s all in steps. What matters is that you write.

  2. You’re not a bad writer. Like you said you have so much to say that you just start going and you dont get out what you want. I think you write from the left side of your brain. You just need to access the right side. Try more creative writing or right side writing. Its too logical get angry and write access a dark emotion and let rip.

  3. Is that what you do Athos21… emo boy. =) Athos21 cries when he writes.

  4. Going to try to write more myself.
    Blogs are a little too stream of consciousness though. Got a copy of Final Draft. Learning how to write scripts.

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