Mac Book Pro

The new MacIntel hardware was shown off yesterday and surprises of surprises, a new laptop that is not a updated iBook was revealed. Sadly, it was saddled with the lamest of lame names: MacBook Pro. That makes such a sexy piece of equipment sound like a dorky financial application.

I cried when I saw it though. It makes it all the more harder to get the dual PPC G5 desktop I so crave. Hmm. Can I have more Macs in my house than need?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Mac Book Pro”

  1. The new machine is beautiful and Im said , my roommate is worse off she just bought her powerbook on Saturday. She is so very bummed… Someone has to get it, maybe you should sell Apple on your place being a complete Mac house and they will give you free gear.

  2. It’s probably best to wait till the next generation anyway. These still haven’t been truly tested. But these things sound amazing. Makes you wonder what’s in store for the G5 Desktops… what a dilema indeed.

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