Movie Reviews 2005

Well, the conclusion of a year always brings about list making. I, for one, love to make lists. This one, unlike last year’s is shorter. It seems that my tastes were more discriminating. Or else movies sucked this past year.

I went through a lot of my previous posts for this so enjoy.

5 stars: NONE!!!

4 stars:
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith.

Wow! I also rated a lot more movies low. No wonder the movie box office receipts were off this year. Lots of sucky product was released. Hopefully, this year is better

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Movie Reviews 2005”

  1. Your talking about my 4 star rating of War of the Worlds? Revenge of the Sith 4 Stars? Are you sure? It was definitely entertaining, but man was it pretty lame. Jedis totally bum me out now. The original Han Solo could of taken each Jedi out himself. All he’d have to do is take ’em out to a bar, by them a drink and blast ’em under the table… yes Jedi’s are that lame. The only ones that matter are Yoda, Mace and Obi Wan. Oh yeah and “You’ve lost… I have the high ground”. What?

  2. Was Narnia that good or is it allowing you to visualize a favorite book from the past.

    I agree with the 4 stars for Sith, it was really good. It wrapped everything up and made me sad when Padme died. Yeah the jedis are pretty lame for getting their ass kicked by the Shattered Glass geek.

    Mr. and Mrs. SMith was a great movie. Simple, sexy and action packed.

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