
The Chronuicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe opens this week right before the 8000 lb gorilla, King Kong. Will the christian allegory beat out the gentle giant? With the current reviews of Narnia, it seems to have the edge. Lots of good reviews and hardly any naysayers.

I have watched Narnia. It’s good. Yet, I don’t know if it is a PG movie. This will be a bore to any kid under the age of 8. Lots of talking. The action doesn’t happen until the end, and some of it is downright scary.

Tilda Swinton was perfectly cast in the role of the White Witch Queen. As a youngster, I read the books. Narnia was the best fantasy world for me as a little kid up until I read Tolkien. While Narnia has its charm, Middle Earth has depth and history beyond compare. Anyway, the White Witch Queen of Narnia scared me as a young child. I think she was one of the more creepier villians in the books I read while growing up. Just her iciness was chilling. I can still remember. If you had not read the books, she was introduced in what was basically the prequel to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Magician’s Nephew. In that book, she was much younger, and the description of the world in which she was from was terrifying and desolate. She was much a part of that dark world and shows it in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Tilda Swinton is also creepy. Look at her in Hellraiser as Gabriel. Look at her in Elizabeth. Icy. She brings that to the role, and she scared me.

Overall, the movie was good. Don’t bring your young children to it because it would bore them. The battle was cool. And it was overtly a christian tale.

4 of 5 stars

Posted by broderic

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