Amazing Race Season 7 Premiere

Okay. The three weeks are up and the Amazing Race has started its world wide tour in a new season with 12 new contestant teams. This is the seventh season. I have seen three through six loving each one, but after the bicker-fest of last season the show has gotten a bit trying to watch. In fact a lot of the same stuff happened in this first episode that happened in the first episode of last season. The teams did a zip wire. They camped outside. Perhaps having the seasons back-to-back immediately is detrimental to enjoying the race, because you can remember all the ins and outs so readily. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. Hopefully, things will go smoothly as there seems to be a lack of a Victoria and Jonathons going around. Perhaps the editors are trying to make it more nice.

Anyway, back to this leg. I immediately am rooting for Rob and Amber to make it far, but not win it all. They act as if they don’t need the money, which they don’t as they have already won Survivor. They dawdled at the start, but meandered into a 3rd place finish this leg. I like that they don’t seem to be in a hurry. I also am rooting for the mom and son team more for the mom to give it her all. I was rooting for the rednecks from South Carolina, but (sorry to spoil it for you) they were eliminated this leg, in a footrace. The others I don’t have a feeling for just yet.

Here’s my prediction for the outcome of the race. Don’t hold me to it.

11 – Ryan and Chuck
10 – Megan and Heidi
9 — Lynn and Alex
8 — Meredeth and Gretchen
7 — Ron and Kelly
6 — Susan and Patrick
5 — Uchenna and Joyce
4 — Ray and Deanna
3 — Rob and Amber
2 — Debbie and Bianca
1 — Brian and Greg (The Will Ferrells!)

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.