Movie Review: In Good Company

I must admit that I love movies without a trite Hollywood ending where the hero dies or, especially, does not get the girl. Sorry if I spoiled this movie if you hadn’t seen it already, but that was what I had thought about coming out of the theatre. It must be the loner/cynic in me that gets off in seeing others lose. It is not that I find joy in the character losing the girl, but that I sympathise with the character’s loss. In a sense, I know that I too am that guy.

In Good Company isn’t really about anything I had just explained. Yes, Topher Grace does not get what’s-her-name? in the end. The star was really Dennis Quaid. He’s on a roll of sorts in the last few years after his public cuckolding by Meg Ryan. He has acted in a few notable films and garnered some respectables reviews. Good for him. Topher Grace acted very well. He epitomizes youth not truly knowing what they are doing, but just saying a lot of hip jargon to conceal their inexperience.

I am giving this movie a middle of the road rating, less for how it played and more for the contrived story. The lesson learned is one that has been told often. Your elders have wisdom beyond your years. I could’ve gotten that from reading a blog. So, the movie was well acted, liked the somewhat somber ending, but hated the preaching.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

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