Amazing Race 6 wrapup

The end of Amazing Race 6 was incredible. I know I said that I wasn’t excited, but damn if it didn’t turn out that way. I was jumping up and down as the end drew near hoping that Kris and John could pull it off. Sadly, no. They trusted the American Airlines guy who gave them bad advice arriving in Chicago, the final city, 15 minutes later than Freddy and Kendra. I love that this show makes me agitated when watching it. My prediction came true and Freddy and Kendra won the million dollars. Congrats to them. I am especially enamoured of Kris who was a total trooper and proved that she can keep up with the big boys. Kris and John was a total team and there was no weak link in it. Kris never seemed to not be up in doing a roadblock. She was fearless. I would say that if I had a girlfriend I would like her to be just like Kris. Amazing.

See you in three weeks when Amazing Race 7 starts up.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Amazing Race 6 wrapup”

  1. Yeah, I was rooting for Kris and John too. They were totally the least annoying team of the bunch. The only thing that bugged me was the last challenge. Eating pizza??? I thought that was pretty lame. Because of the flight mistake, they were so faking any real tension from Kendra trying to down the last few bites with panicky music, edits, and camera motions.

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