Adios, HFS!

If you grew up in the Baltimore/DC area and loved music from bands that were not so mainstream, then you at least tuned into 99.1 on the dial. WHFS was always about the alternative music. They were alternative before there was alternative. I remember in the early 80s trying to catch their weak signal for some music. Only on clear broadcast days did I pick up the signal. They morphed into the juggarnaut of alternative radio in the mid-90s, but could always be counted to play something I liked. Lately they have been going down hill.

Yesterday, the station switched formats. Its been talked about a lot. Read it and weep. What a grievious day. Hopefully, the junkies will land on their feet.

The music landscape has changed around here. For the better I don’t know. What I do know is that HFS will be missed.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.