“Don’t mess with a man with a way-back machine, I can make it so you were never born.”

Another Friday night at the movies this time to see Julianne Moore in The Forgotten. A very strange choice of a role for the always great acting Ms. Moore. I never knew her to choose doing a science fiction flick, but then a quarter of the way into the movie that is what it became. It was billed as a thriller, but don’t buy that line. It is straight out of a Twilight Zone episode being investigated by Mulder and Scully from the X-Files. Ms. Moore does an excellent job at being perplexed, but her acting reminded me of the coked out scene in Boogie Nights: hysterical, paranoid, and slightly crazy. The ending was predictable by the time you knew that she wasn’t crazy. It is THEM we must be afraid of, and THEY are here. Cue Twilight Zone theme. Cue the X-Files theme.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.