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Two movies from this past weekend…

First up, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Brought to us by those guys who made Dude, Where’s My Car? It’s not as funny, but is more overtly pro-pot. In fact, there was more pot being smoked in this than the latter, which was infamous for being a pothead flick without anyone smoking pot except the dog. If I had been high, when I saw this I would not have laughed too much.

2 of 5 stars.

Next, Alien v. Predator. Not too much of the battle taken place between them both. Really short film. The plot sucked. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. It would also seem that the predators suck as much as humans in fighting the aliens. Not as bad ass as I had thought.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.