Gone Girl

I think I’m falling into the camp which finds Gone Girl misogynistic.

At least, that’s what I thought 2 to 3 weeks ago right after I saw the movie. I still feel it is a tad misogynistic, but I think it could be of how the balance of the story was told. The wife was batshit crazy, and the husband wasn’t dickish enough. Not sure the book was imbalanced in that way. I just been reading other reviews comparing the book to movie.

Supposedly, the husband was a dick. More so in the book. In the movie, he just seems ass-holey. He could’ve been made more of an ass.

And the wife could’ve less crazy with capital K for KooKoo.

The best part is the ending. They are married.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Gone Girl”

  1. wait was that a real spoiler cuz I haven't seen it.

    so should i read the book first. my brother told me i should.

  2. Yup… SPOILER ALERT!!!

    From what I read, the book and the movie have the same ending, but the movie makes the husband more sympathetic.

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