Link of the Day [7.01.14]

Because I need to step up my blogging game, here’s a post about visualizing algorithms. I think its rather cool, but YMMV.

I haven’t written much because no one’s been reading. I also need to write code. More code rather than blog posts. Need to write iOS code. Need to just code. I like this about algorithms though. It’s all about the code.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Link of the Day [7.01.14]”

  1. I'm reading. Do you think an ordinary person like me can learn to code? all the subliminal messaging is telling me that I need to know how to do this for the future.

    So where do i start? Google is giving free online classes I've heard.

  2. I don't think you need to know it for the future, because I believe in 10 years we'll have computers writing the code for us. But if you want to start, you should check out the MIT OpenCourseware stuff for computer science. Also, Stanford or UC Berkeley might have a similar free lecture/classes online. You can do the exercises at your leisure.

    If you really want to give it a whirl, you're going to need some type of software development environment to try things out on. Java is your best bet and you can install a free compiler such as Java Eclipse or Netbeans would install.

    Good luck. It's rather fun.

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