The War Against Fat I

State of My Union: January 2013

January arrived and I was getting to be the heaviest BrowserMetrics that ever was. This is last months weight chart. Yes, I was once 215 pounds naked. If I put on some clothes and ate breakfast, lunch, or dinner, I bet I was 218. I needed to do something.

Thus began the War Against Fat 2013 edition. I’m always battling, but the past year was terrible. Every month a party. Then good ol’ Bob shows up for the first months of the year. Still more partying. It all adds up.

Yet, it’s not the weight alone. I’ve got high blood pressure and terrible numbers for the cholesterol in my body. I’ve got to start getting healthier.

First comes the working out. I bought the Concept 2 Model D last summer, but didn’t use it too much. I’m trying to row daily. DAILY! It’s tough, because as you get used the exercise, you have to work harder and longer. I may not dedicate that much time to exercise, but I’m gonna try.

Next comes the eating. This is even tougher. All those parties are not gonna stop and food is also too good. I’m gonna try to give up french fries and meat for lunch. More fruit and more vegetables is the way of life. Actually, the Mediterranean diet sounds like the way to go: lots of vegetables and fruit, more fish and nuts, less meat and fats. It’s gonna have to be tasty for me to not crave the savory disks of fat that is the breakfast sausage.

Finally, I’m gonna have to be accountable for this change. That’s why I’m posting monthly my progress. Letting you know will help in letting you tell me I’m off my rocker.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “The War Against Fat I”

  1. Whahoo! sounds like a good plan. Stay motivated!

  2. with the right combination of protein/fats/carbs, sausage doesn't have to be so bad, does it?

    what about this? cuz it looks so yummy and healthy too:

  3. Motivated? I am. Yet it's not working right now.

  4. Past tips given to me to break that plateau: try reducing carbs or calories. Eliminate Sodium, it's in everything already, you don't need extra. Increase fluids, especially water or green tea and exercise.

    It totally sucks but it works. I'm not doing it right now like I should. But now you're motivating me too.

    It's like I know what to do, but sometimes i don't care. But your health is important.

  5. I'm trying to eat fresh fruit and vegetables. I don't try to eat sandwiches. I've even slowed down eating rice.

    Sodium. I'm watching it because of my high blood pressure, but maybe not enough. I'll stick to fresh fruit and vegetables. Also, all natural fresh food. Hope it starts to work.

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