Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Little did I know when I saw Star Wars: The Last Jedi the first night, that it would turn out to be such a divisive entry into the Star Wars filmology. I came out smiling throwing thumbs up to the next batch of folks in line. I went to sleep that night, then all things broke out over the weekend. I spent the next couple days watching the growing genre of YouTube rants against the film. It made me laugh and a little sad. Why did it come to this?

Admittedly, I know that there are flaws — space Leia, the casino planet, and that timeline, but it did give us the hero turn of Kylo Ren, Rey reaching out for the light saber, and that slow motion beginning to the throne room fight. Just one of the most amazing things they’ve done in the series. It had me gasping, then giggling and then shouting out in glee.

But still, space Leia?!

It’s changed up the story. It no longer follows the beats of the original series. It’s now gonna be surprise. And this entry was also surprising! Can Kylo Ren be redeemed? Or is he the worst? Who cares about the parents of Rey? I did until they just threw it into my face again. Yet, I loved it because who cares? It was the Shatner on SNL of Star Wars movies, “Get a life!” I’m looking forward to the next installment.

4 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.