Link of the Day [5.24.12]

This one’s for my good friend, Akeshia, who’s been reminding me of fun times at the U. We watched a few movies together when we were undergrads. Perhaps, my belief that Start Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country is the best of all Star Treks stems from catching it with her on a packed opening night at the AMC in South Miami. No not the one across the street, the other cinema!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Link of the Day [5.24.12]”

  1. oh yeah, those were the days. Wow! well i am movie fanatic but I learned from the best. that's you sir!

    Cosford has really come a long way. cool memories.

  2. I'm just more surprised that the Memorial building was still there!

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