A Partridge In A Pear Tree

So I had this brilliantly stupid idea which I cribbed from the AV Club. I will blog about some movie or television show that can relate to Yule time, and I will post an entry once each day for the Twelve Days of Christmas. I was hoping you would join me, if not writing a post, reading my posts and celebrating Christmas time with me.

I shall start with It’s A Wonderful Life, the beloved Frank Capra classic. It’s corny, but I love it. It’s one of my all time favorite movies not just at Christmas time. So bear with me as I lavish once more praises on this most clichéd of films.

The story if you’ve never seen it: George Bailey is on the verge of suicide on Christmas Eve, because he’s worth more dead than alive. His family and the town of Bedford Falls prays for him that night, and their prayers are answered in the form of Clarence, ASC. He shows George that life was worth living because he was beloved and cherished by all the people who came to know him. “Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends.”

That’s the Christmas theme: camaraderie and friendship. No matter how sad you believe your life to be, the fact that you have friends makes all the difference in the world. It becomes apparent at Christmastime. As you visit with friends and family, you see as much. What a joy it is to be with everyone! You realize life is good because of all the people you know. Christmastime brings us together.

Anywhoo, this is my start of the twelve days of Christmas Blogathon. It’ an inauspicious start hopefully it gets better. Your turn.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.