Picture homages

What with Grindhouse, it seems like all the movies nowadays are trying to recapture something of the stories of the yesteryear. Here’s two that tried. Which of them succeeded?

Disturbia is to Rear Window as Sweet&Low is to sugar. It’s nowhere as good as the original. And yet, it seems that people have been flocking to it making it three weeks at the top of the box office. Why? Because they are wankers, but hey, I saw it in the theatres. I don’t think I am a wanker, but I wanted to see it because of its shameless rip of one of my favorite movies.

There are few direct riffs on the original. They’ve escaped me right now, a week since watching the movie. I remember one being the sound of a scream/killing waking Shia up. The leaving from the scene of the “crime” a lady. These were the only vestiges of Hitchcock’s film that stand out. The others were subtle. Is the killer coming over with a bat similar to Raymond Burr showing up at the door? Maybe. Is the scene with the depiction of the neighborhood the same? No Ms. Lonely Hearts though. Can’t compete.

The one thing they updated was the score. Or at least the musical soundtrack with what passes for music nowadays. Why? It was an episode of the OC with that dude stuck in doors. Or that other dude on a killing spree. Sorry, about the names, but at least that is what I think it would be like.

It’s a palid version of one of the greatest movies in Hitchcock’s ouevre.

2 of 5 stars.

Hot Fuzz brought to us by the madmen who did Shaun of the Dead (which I thought was alright), and the director of the funniest fake trailer in Grindhouse, “Don’t.” Yet, this film appealed to me more. Shaun of the Dead was a mediocre attempt at a zombie movie. Zombies are tired. They should’ve been ninjas, or at least pirates.

But Hot Fuzz travels in the tried and true action genre.

Whether they are spoofing it or paying a cheeky homage is hard to tell. If they refer to Bad Boyz II as the ultimate flick, it’s got to be a spoof. Yet, they reference Michael Bay-isms throughout. HOMAGE!

Best line riffed on Jake Gittes, but not: “Forget it, Nick, it’s Sandford.” That’s won me some points those cheeky brits.

4 of 5 stars.

Mission Accomplished

Fuck, yeah! Please, somebody shoot me.

What a wanker!

I don’t know how anyone could’ve taken him seriously. Ever. Right from the beginning you knew he was a wanker. Dude is the type that you want to have a beer with. Not the type you want to be your president. And even having a beer with him would make you feel uncomfortable, because he’s just a scuzz ball. Fucking America. Bunch of stupid wankers for electing this guy. TWICE.

“Fool me once, shame on you…”

Netflix defeated

I’m turning out like CapitolSwell. I had Memories of Murder at my house for weeks. Supposedly, I had received it on the seventh of April. I didn’t ever watch it. I put it back in the mail on Monday, April 30th.

It sat on my nightstand for weeks. I had also bought several other DVDs over those weeks, mainly Barabara Stanwyck flicks, which I watched. Twice sometimes.

This is the first time that I didn’t watch a movie from my Netflix queue. Even some of the sucky ones which almost put me to sleep, I slogged my way through. I never let a movie get me down. Perhaps if The Host wasn’t so disappointing I would have watched it quicker.

Anyhow, OneLittleSeedling has ripped it twice. So I’ll just borrow it from him. If I get the urge to watch it.

The Children of Hurin

I had finished this book sometime last week. Loved it, but I had read it already in its various forms. It made me tear up at the Finduilas part. Damn, Morgoth Bauglir! I curse thee! May you stay locked up in The Void for all eternity.

I wonder how those who haven’t read The Silmarillion are going to react to this book. Dark and forboding it is, and nothing like The Lord of the Rings. Those elves and men are not as nice. Everyone is more like Boromir. Turin mainly.


The Stanwyck Proxy

In 1941, Barabara Stanwyck played a part in four movies, Meet John Doe, The Lady Eve, Ball of Fire, and You Belong to Me. I’ve seen two of the four. In fact, The Lady Eve lead me to believe that she was the most exciting actress EVER to have graced the silver screen. They’re pretty good movies, and each one has earned praise and reknown from critics and fans alike. I wonder what the other two of her films were like. Ball of Fire is being released next month on DVD, so I am eagerly waiting its appearance.

You don’t believe me that she’s one of the most exciting actresses EVER?

Check out Anthony Lane’s Stanwyck appreciation piece in The New Yorker.

Check out The Lady Eve. She has Henry Fonda tripping over herself. It’s a movie on AFI’s list of 100 comedies and 100 passionate movies. You’ll mainly laugh at her hijinxs.

Check out Meet John Doe. She fast-talks the editor of the newspaper into pulling off the hoax of the year. And this is where the title of this post comes in. I believe that the coen brothers were looking for a Stanwyck type when they wrote The Hudsucker Proxy. It is a direct riff on many of the films she’s appeared in. The Hudsucker Proxy seems to have gotten lots from Meet John Doe. Smitty. “That gag’s got whiskers!” I loved Hudsucker Proxy, a personal favorite coen brothers movie, but love it even more knowing that Jennifer Jason Leigh seems to have been channeling Barbara Stanwyck.

She’s just groovy.

On the road

It’s getting to be nice outside. It’s time to ride my bike.

I’ve gone out the past 4 days!

The first day was just trying to get to know the feeling again. I rode about 5 1/2 miles, and it was pure hell. It didn’t help that I did it after a nap which probably sapped my energy. First day out always seem to suck.

The next few were better. Today though, I found out how out of shape I am. I have no power in my legs. I tried to sprint a few times, but couldn’t keep it up for more than a few seconds. And the hills or the small bumps in the road, it makes me thankful of that granny gear.

I’m gonna have to tune my bike soon though. It’s been a while since I have given it the care it deserves.

Green Day

Earth day was this past weekend. Here’s a link to a Nova episode about solar energy.

I’ve always wanted to build a house that would give energy back to the grid so that my energy costs would be cheap. That’s a while off. I would build it with solar powers. And perhaps some kind of battery storage. Operate more efficiently with a small carbon footprint.


I don’t actively search these things out, but they seem to show up by chance. If you’re in the NY area check out theBarbara Stanwyck retrospective. It’s a good sampling of her movies. It is missing though “Lady Eve.”

Playing Catch Up

I haven’t been posting regularly. As if you didn’t know. I’ve been too busy. Some of the things I had due are almost done and now I have found some time to breathe. Let me post something to know that BrowserMetrics the blog still has a pulse.

First off most of my friends in the side bar are also silent except for Margeaux. She’s been blogging up a storm compared to me and the others. Of course she has spent most of this month doing nothing but writing. Yet, she has time to read The Children of Hurin? Hmm.

Second, I did catch Grindhouse opening weekend, and from the looks of things, its closing weekend as well. 3 of 5 stars is my rating. First, Rodriguez makes bad films. Including Sin City. So when he set out to make a bad movie, it’s doubly the worst of it all. The problem with his film was that it was too much like USA Up All Night from the eighties. No one told us that the shit playing at the grindhouse is really the shit you watched on cable drunk. I paid money for this? Tarantino’s half is more of a problem. It was too serious in tone and completely clashed with the previous Rodriguez part. “I went to the grindhouse and a Tarantino movie started!” Plus it was talky. I wonder if you went to a grindhouse to watch talking. Yes, it was dark and disturbing at times, but in the sense it was Tarantino. At least his bad acting was overshadowed by the badness of the films.

Third school. At least the class I am taking now. It sucks. I have a new WindBlows laptop though. And a dead Dell box. Linux is just as lame. Computers should help you be productive not throw obstacles in your way. They just need to work sometimes.

That’s it for now. I don’t like writing much. But there it is.