
It seems like some people don’t like the bunching of the teams on the Amazing Race. Well for the last couple of shows several of the teams have been a full day behind. It makes it hard to enjoy as you’re so worried that they’ll never catch up.

I like the bunching. It makes every leg a race. It can bring teams from first to last (ask Rob and Amber (I miss them so)).

So I vote for bunching! F all the naysayers.

March Sadness

I’ve been out of my tournament pools since the end of the second round (Louisville and Texas mutha fuckers!), so it was with much chagrin to find out that it’s Flordida-Ohio State in the final.

And the world yawns.

Question. If it’s March Madness why does it end in April?

Weekend Musings

Too confused to actually post something worthwhile. I’ll just ramble on for a bit.

Saw Premonition. It was confusing too as I thought of it as a thriller going in, but in reality it was a science fiction story.

3 of 5 stars.

Saw TMNT. Turtle power! Adequate. I should’ve gone with my nephews or in a later showing as it was all kids on a sunny Sunday matinee.

3 of 5 stars.

Bought Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds on DVD. Something about ‘Tippi’ Hedren that’s got me fascinated. It’s a fun movie. Starts as a rom-com and ends in terror. That you got to love.

4 of 5 stars.

Spring is here.

I feel like shit.

A Message To You

Do not play this game. It’ll keep you up for hours on end.

UPDATE: Play along by choosing the normal game and when you get your ass handed to you, save your high score and enter BrowserMetrics as the group.

Rom Coms?

Tossing and turning last night so I put on Can’t Buy Me Love to help me to get to sleep. Loved that movie as a kid. It’s pretty stupid. Yet I feel that’s a classic. Whatever happened to Amanda Peterson? She fell off the face of the earth or what?

Anyway, I was thinking about why there isn’t any good romantic comedies. There’s plenty, but I don’t like much. Maybe it’s just me. I get so cynical about it that light-hearted screen gems don’t do much for me.