
Season 3 of The X-Files had one of the most memorable episodes of its run, Jose Chung’s “From Outer Space.” In it the titular author, Jose Chung is writing his non-fiction science fiction account of the abduction of two teenagers. He interviews Agent Scully (Wow!), but the whole abduction thing has a Rashomon effect and the truth is not so cut and dry. In fact no one knows exactly what happened. It is a mystery. As the interview with Agent Scully (Woot!) wraps up, she tells him that at least it has an ending, which is more than she can say for the rest of her cases.

That’s how Zodiac seems to have been. At least it has an ending. And at least we get some kind of closure. But (SPOILER ALERT) if Arthur Leigh Allen didn’t do it, there’s plenty of circumstantial evidence to have the fingers pointing at him.

What I found as I watched is that, in this very age, detective television shows such as the X-Files, CSI or Law and Order make it tough to watch police procedurals at the cinema. Each week Law and Order solves a crime and brings to justice the perpetrator. Zodiac neither solved the crime or brought to justice the perpetrator, but it had an ending whether satisfying or not Scully would’ve approved.

Zodiac still felt like an episode of Law and Order. It was divided into two parts. The “Order” part wherein Mark Ruffalo’s detective tries to piece together a case, and the “Law” part with Jake Gyllenhall picks up the case and identify the true killer and his motives so that he can be brought to justice. And that’s just the story’s structure.

Again like detective television shows, I expected the CSI to nail the villian. He couldn’t have been too smart to get away with it. There is always evidence that will incriminate. Yet, the detectives couldn’t find any. I was wondering if they didn’t have decent crime scene investigators in the 70s.

All in all, Zodiac felt more like television. It strikes out trying to be a film because it feels too much like crime shows on tv. If only they put the ominous chords associated with Law and Order, it may have been good.

3 of 5 stars.

Matt Zoller Seitz really captures exactly what I wanted to say with his review.

Yee Haa!

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Amazing Senility

Usually, my dreams are about long, lost infatuations. Not this time.

I woke wondering if I really did win the Amazing Race. You see it started because early in the evening I had watched the latest episode of the Amazing Race. It was ta-ta for Kentucky who should’ve done better, but missed the all too important turn off to the detour. Sucks as they seem to be genuine and generous people deserving of winning $1 million.

Anywhoo, back to my dream…

I was participating in the race. I can’t rightly say who my partner was or even if I did. Maybe it was Capitol Swell as he seemed to clue me in on some meaning of the clue to help me win.

I was running around a mall. It seems that the final stage had me run through a mall and find some magazine. In the magazine (or book) there was a clue which upon purchasing the magazine needs to be read by the checkout person.

I had a substantial lead, but squandered it away getting lost (like Kentucky!) with the last couple teams catching up. We find the same place. We find the rack. I pull a magazine, but end up in second after another team. They get to the checkout, but the checkout person can’t say they have it. This is where Capitol Swell comes to whisper, “Dude, the tag!” I run back and exchange the magazine for the correct one, checkout, and announced the winner.

Right. I should’ve made it to the carpet, but my dream took me straight to winning the $1 million. WooHoo!

Well, Phil interviews me and the first thing I say is that I am quitting my job. (For half a million after taxes! Sweet!) I worry about doing the talk show rounds. I do the CBS morning show, and I say that I doubt that I can win against the robot team of Rob and Amber. They’re awesome!

What a strange dream that one was.

Quick Links

It’s the weekend and I usually like to run a long post for you to read on Saturday evenings. I suck at writing and time has been cut short with some things to do. I think I should write those items up over the week and just post them Saturday. Who am I kidding?

Here’s some links for the day. Stuff I was browsing through and found interesting. Hope you like ’em.

A switcher from PC to Macs makes a list of things that he has learned. (hat tip to Fake Steve Jobs)

Not getting things done. I do this often.

Believe in one thing on this list and join the extreme wing of liberalism! Huzzah! We’re all bad! What a wanker!

Happy Birthday, Jessica Biel!

I can’t tell if Black Sheep is trying to be like Shaun of the Dead or a more serious movie. Baa!

Talks amongst yourselves.

Tivo Catch Up

Trying to catch up on the shows that I have Tivoed.

Not successful.

I did catch the end of the Tour of California cycling stage race. How they go 35mph in such a tight group without knocking fellow competitors over is a big mystery to me. Every time they showed the peloton, I cringed at how close some of the guys came to touching wheels. Yet, it was an exciting bunch sprint. Another one of those fast, but faster still endings. Loved it. I cheered. Can’t wait for the season to start.

Other Tivo things…

Supernatural is languishing. Battlestar Galactica as well. Heroes but that is starting to get tired.

Shopping for a digital camera

My old one had died sometime last autumn. I’m thinking about getting a dSLR, but I really like to have a small one so as to keep it upon me at all times.

Can’t really figure out what I should do. Or get.

Perhaps a cheap micro one, and a really nice dSLR.

Anyway, check out the reviews at this site.

In russia…

…the porno sites search for you!

Hilarious entry in my statcounter log.