Adventures From My Netflix Queue: Hell on Wheels

Hell On Wheels documents the 100th vesion of le Tour de France by following Team Telekom as they compete in that edition. It was funny to watch a tour from another countries side. If this was an American film it would’ve been about Lance Armstrong notching his fifth straight tour victory. Or even about the herculean effor put in by Tyler Hamilton to go the distance and finish fourth with a broken collarbone. Yet, this was a German film and being such, it focused on Team Telekom, a German team.

Funny that. This was the most exciting race of the seven that Lance Armstrong won, and this film barely mentions him. Hamilton got more coverage and even then it was bare.

The film follows several team members on this tour: Rolf Aldag, the consummate gunny-sargent, Erik Zarbel, the sprinter on his last legs, Andreas Kloden, wiped out and abandoned with a broken cocyx. It also shows some behind the scenes of Aldag and Zarbel with their massuese. These scenes were very reminiscent of the end of an era. Showing the humanity in the racers and their desire to finish. Zarbel especially comes off as being on the verge of losing his legs with his buddy, Aldag and his massuese by his side as his chances of being a force in the cycling world dim.

Anywhoo, I want to go out and ride right now, but it’s late. When’s summer coming?

4 of 5 stars.

The Next Post

Because The Seed is asking where the next post is today in my month long blogging oddessy, does this count?

Posts should come about naturally. Yet, I undertook this task for at least a post a day with the understanding that there will be some days when I’ve got nothing. Today, could’ve been one of those, but there are a lot of posts that can be made today.

“I’ve got a lot of outs.”

First, as the many long time readers noticed I have updated my blogroll. One link from something I’ve made a comment already. Another programming one for the geeks. And one from a friend whose just jumped into the blogging pool. Check her site out. She promises to do Friday Cat Blogging but not just on Fridays!

Another out, is describing the dinners I had this past weekend. Except that’s not my thing. I find my palate as too simple to understand the intracicies of delicacies. I like food, but can’t rightly say why one place is good versus another. Also, for restaraunt reviews you should read Captiol Swell. He’s got the dish on the dishes we ate this past weekend.

I could also wish Happy Belated Birthday to my cousin whose 30th birthday we celebrated.

I could tell you that I am delinquent in starting my final paper. Once again that damn procrastination is rearing its ugly head.

So that’s my next post. What’s yours?

Movie Reviewing

I figure that lots of my posts here are movie reivews. I made a commitment a while ago to watch as many films in theatres as possible. Lately, I don’t feel like it, because movies are sucking. Looking over my reviews of the last year I would say that most are 2 stars or less. The summer of 2005 was bad, but no where as sucky as the summer of 2006. Wha’ happened?

Anyway, all this is a lead up to posting about The House Next Door. A movie blog that does some excellent reviews. This is how I wish I could make my reviews zing. Or failing that, this is how I wish my movie reviews could be. Check them out.

The Fountain

This review of The Fountain is overdue. I had seen it last weekend. While the Ravens were beating up on Pittsburgh, I was contemplating the meaning of life with Hugh Jackman and Racheal Weisz. If that isn’t a mindfuck Sunday, then what is?

When the credits started rolling, a lady behind us asked, “Did anyone get that?” The audience muttered something that wasn’t a resolute yes, but a half-hearted no. Most people laughed as well figuring that everyone didn’t get the film.

But what was there to get? It was another movie contemplating life. In fact it can be summed up simply with “live your life to the fullest or you’ll regret it.” It just so happens that if you live forever and you don’t follow this maxim, you’ll want to plunge yourself into a dying star to make up for this regret.

2 of 5 stars.


I like to do my Christmas shopping in December. It makes it feel truly like that time of year. I do on occasion make some purchases before then. The other day I was in Target buying some items for the home. I stopped by the toy department as I was working my way around the store, and there I picked up some Bionicles for a nephew. I also picked up some Star Wars toys. I can’t make up my mind if I want to give them as a present for my other nephew or keep them for myself. I already have quite the collection.

It seems that every year I buy as much stuff for myself as for the people on my gift list. Why is that?

31 days of December

One of the things you do when you work for InitTech, or for any large conglomerate, is that you participate in stupid little events that are supposed to make you appreciate your job. Bah! And a humbug! Every year we celebrate diversity: the many different people coming together and creating the great InitTech. I always feel like having to say, “Is this good for the company?” That’s rhetorical.

Anyway, this post isn’t about mocking those events. That would be too easy. I’m wanting to mock the little tchotckes they give to us with InitTech logos. They’re all pretty lame. One time we got these calculators that sucked because the battery compartment was so weak that touching it would disconnect power. This year was a “perpetual calendar”/picture frame. “Perpetual” means that it is good forever achieved through the use of several versions of a 31 day month. So tomorrow, instead of it being December 1, it’s actually November 31. How’s that ditty now?

31 days in September, April, June, November
All the rest have 31
Except February with 31 days…

I am planning on having my own NaBloPoMo in December if you would care to join me.

Would you believe…

That Get Smart is on DVD. I should update my wish list.

More info found here. Apparently it only being offered through TimeLife, and won’t be in stores until next year. It looks very well done, too, with commentary from Mel Brooks, Buck Henry, Agent 99, and Ziegfried.

I remember spending the $100 bucks for season 1 of the X-Files, the first TV show on DVD. I think I might swing the $200 for all 5 seasons!

Christmas Wish List ’06

Since it is the Holiday Season, and friends and relatives don’t know how to shop for me, here’s my wish list. These items would be nice to have. If you did take my advice for shopping, you’ll notice that these things are related to activities like doing.

Oakley Half Jacket Lenses. For riding, I’ve been looking to get a pair of the yellow or persimmon for the low light levels of the winter.

Carbon Water Bottle Cages. I’m bulking out this winter so my bike needs to be lighter.

TV on DVD. I’m currently have almost the full collection of these television series. I’m short by a few seasons as listed. Futurama (3,4,5). The X-Files (7,8,9). Northern Exposure (4,5), The Simpsons (7,8,9).

I don’t like to play video games anymore, but I do like Chess Master 10000 or whatever it’s called nowadays.

Books. I’m collecting the Peanuts which I’ve gotten the first two books.

Peace On Earth. Goodwill to men. Amazon probably doesn’t have this.

Clothes for cycling? I’m a 42 regular which is large for US, but may not be for other countries. A new team jersey would be cool.

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US.

I am thankful for:

Mom and Dad. An older and younger brother. Cousins as close as friends. The next generation nieces and nephews. La Familia de Rad. My faithful blog readers. Objective-C and C++. The GCC. Grep. A great text editor. The Apple Macintosh. Powerbooks, the new Mac Books, Pro and other wise. Beautiful girls. Blondes. Brunettes. Redheads. A pretty girl’s smile. Laughing with girls. Girls in glasses. Memories of a girl in glasses. The female body. Legs and a little t’n’a. Ghost stories. Being creeped out by ghost stories. Goosebumps. My bike. The wind in my face while on my bike. 15 mph. Uphills. Downhills. Snow in the winter. Cool autumn mornings. Hot summer days. Long winter nights. The Holidays. Charlie Brown and Snoopy. Calvin and Hobbes. Dub. Downtempo. Ska. Movies. Television. DVDs. Earth. Scandinavia. Iceland. The Blue Lagoon. Paris, France. Barcelona, Spain. Apples and oranges. Mangoes. Ice cream. Coffee. Pizza. Hot dogs. Days off from work. Vacation. The weekend.

Thanksgiving only comes along once a year, and it’s the time to spend with friends and family. I hope you have an enjoyable one. Eat turkey until you’re full, sleep it off, eat the left overs, and watch television.

And remember to be thankful for the things in your life.