Ghosts of October

The past two days I’ve spent my time reading rather than doing my homework. Actually, it is more like several hours as I couldn’t put the book down. It was a mystery tale, gothic in its ambiance with just a slight touch of the chill you find in one of those Victorian ghost stories that I love. The book? The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.

I read the blurb review about it. It is as I described, but it is more engrossing than that. When I get into a good book, I read it unendingly. I started on it around 11:00 o’clock Sunday night, put it down at five in the morning only to pick it back up this evening to finish it. It’s that good.

It starts with a mystery. Who is Vida Winter? The renowned author whose life has not been told even though several biographies have been written of her. Upon her last days she lets an book antiquarian tell the story of her life. The true story of her life.

She reveals the sinful beginnings of her father, his lust for her sister and the twins that were born to her. A sort of mania runs through the family from their father, to the siblings on down to the twins. There story and Vida Winter’s is told.

There is a ghost. A ghost of a girl. Dead? Or living? Not til the end do we know the true tragedy of it. And it is that tragedy that is haunting, but amazing.

It’s about family and there dark secrets. It’s about loss and reuinion. It’s about love and it always returns.

The author herself describes the book for those who like to read especially the Bronte ouevre. I am such a reader and it was a page turner. At last, something that was good story. And the story is all there is.


Astonishing X-Men

Is Josh Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men a good read? I can’t wait for the next issue.

When did Kitty Pride become the go to girl? Is she developing from the Whedon protypical strong girl a la Buffy?

Colossus’s return is great. He’s always been a favorite since playing the X-Men arcade game.

Cyclops in love with Emma Frost?! Is she the White Queen of the Hellfire club? Or is she misunderstood? What’s going to happen to her? Plus when will Cyclops become less of a pussy?

Someone please advise me. Should I keep reading it or what?

“Yes, we have established the fact that I am wearing your dress. What is the problem?”

NewsRadio Quote Month is over, but I couldn’t let a good quote go another year.

It’s October. This is the time of the year that I really love. September and October are my favorite months. They are autumn with crisp cool days. The light going quickly in the evening. Cold nights are coming, but they don’t arrive til later.

I can’t wait to ride my bike in the fall foliage. Hopefully, I will have enough cold riding gear to make it fun.

Let’s see what happens…

“Where were you last night at 3 A.M. when I was watching Steel Magnolias and crying my eyes out? “

Ok, I’m a sucker. Let me admit that I expected to find some kind of mirror image of my life in School for Scoundrels. Yet, if my life was that unfunny, I would want to die.

This movie is a supposed comedy. It clocks in at a bit over the 100 minutes, but it felt like an eternity. When choosing a movie to watch this weekend, I complained that The Guardian had a long running time just about 2.25 hours. Yet, School for Scoundrels felt very long. I was surprised to see that it played short as it felt like I was in the theatre for a while. Time slows down when watching something this unfunny.

Anyway the plot goes like this: loser guy pines for the cute neighbor, tries to woo her using tactic learned from the School for Scoundrels, becomes rivals with his teacher for the neighbor’s affections, and must destroy him before he is destroyed. Apart from going to a school and the rivalry aspect, I am that loser guy. Even more so since I don’t know if I have a cute neighbor to try and woo.

The movie combines some story elements from Fight Club — secret, guy’s only club and Something About Mary — chasing the girl of your dreams against other suitors. It doesn’t do a good job of combining the two. I was disappointed.

The cast was sucky. John Heder should not be the lead. I felt he did this movie soon after hitting it big with his Napoleon Dynamite role, and he decided to play it like that. “Sheesh!” The lion as king of his domain was a significant metaphor, but for that dude he should’ve been a liger! Billy Bob Thorton is the usual grouchy Billy Bob. I don’t know why he bothers. They had another movie he will be in later this yerr in the previews and I felt that that’s all he knows how to play. The cute neighbor (Jacinda Barrett) fell in love with the guy in the end which was so unbelievable that I expected a unicorn to come prancing through the theatre within minutes of the ending. Barrett had a non-descript role, but her character is the type of girl I can dig. Bookish and cute, but her role was insignificant. She played it adequately.

In the end, this movie was not very funny. It was boring at times. I was amazed at how much the supporting cast was wasted. Actors and comedians such as Luiz Guzman, Todd Louiso, Sarah Silverman and David Cross were wasted. They’re all fine comedic talents, but they had nothing here to make us laugh. With a supporting cast like that?! What happened?

I did laugh at some points, but overall this film is dull and not funny.

1 of 5 stars.

“If I spent $400 on a chair, I would have to eat it.”

I was just cruising through my links (see the blogroll to your right) and from Jason Kottke I run into the author of a book I saw at BN, “No One Cares What You Had for Lunch: 100 Ideas For Your Blog.”

I know a few people who might need this as their blogs are infrequently updated.

Ok. I know it’s totally unfair to criticize them. I like writing on my blog about nothing and everything. It’s also more like “what I had for lunch,” but I think the few people who do read this blog can get the gist of what I’m like or what I like or what I’m thinking.

Enough of this meta-blog thoughts, what did you have for lunch.

PS. NewsRadio Quote Month is coming to a close and I have yet to check out season 1 and 2 again.

“Benedict Arnold slept with George Washington.”

Boy! That Keith Olbermann sure is shrill That rant against the fucks at fox news is one in a string of excellent rants against the fucking corrupt republican party. This other rant is just as good. And finally, this rant takes the cake.

Fuck the republicans and that fucktard president. They’ve ruined this country worst than any terrorist has.

“Gorgeous?” “Pretty with great hair.”

Here’s a list of 100 best videos according to Stylus magazine.

Another list? Yes, but it’s music videos!

I don’t pretend to know (or care) what the best music video is. Ever. I just wanted to point out a few songs that are way cool to see again. There’s Cake’s “The Distance,” Daft Punk’s “Around the World,” and The Chemical Brother’s “Let Forever Be.” I watched them at work and loved every minute I was goofing off.

Anyway, make of this list what you will. Music videos can be trite, but they’re fun when it’s a song you like.


The Illusionist. You have seen this before when it was called The Usual Suspects. Don’t let that make you not see it, because it is a fine story. The heart of the matter is that love conquers all. And the only way to win back the lost girl of your past, the love of your life, is through magic! No, just kidding, but that is something funny and hilarious.

This film is better than the rest of the summer movies that came out in August. It’s a real gem, because of the story. Also, Jessica Biel is hot in jodpurs.

3 of 5 stars.