New Toy

I suck at bike riding. I love to do it but I suck.

Don’t give me a hill. I can’t climb.

Don’t give me a straight. There’s no power in these legs.

Don’t give me a descent. I can’t descend.

Yet, I bought a new bike. Added some pricey components. Why? The government made me do it with their damn refund.

So you on the road.

Reviews or thoughts

I reread the previous post on the two films. They don’t read like reviews. They read like thoughts about the film. I should re-title them.

No more reviews. Just thoughts on film.

My dear readers, I owe you some movie reviews

I hope these two help in you choosing what to see this weekend.

Cars. I saw it with my two nephews. They enjoyed it, but it didn’t thrill them as much. I felt this was a weaker effort by the Pixar crew. It ranks below Finding Nemo and that was my least favorite of the bunch.

3 of 5 stars

An Inconvenient Truth. It really should’ve been title, “We Are Fucked.” Global warming is here. If we don’t do anything about it, we will be swimming in Manhattan. We need to change our ways. Let’s all ride a bike to work. Perhaps cut down on working. Where do I get these fluorescent lightbulbs? Now. I liked the movie. The message was important. We need to start working to change our ways.

The only problem I had was that it made me sad to see Al Gore. It was the lost presidency. I’ve always believed that our president should be smarter than us. This guys a wonk’s wonk and a nerd’s nerd. He was passionate about changing our ways for the good. And instead of this thinking person, we get the brain dead, fucktard George W. Bush. Gore was thinking of the future. Bush and his Republican cronies look to the past. No vision. No brains. Fuck George Bush in the ass.

That’s why I had to give this movie one less star than it deserves. I get pissed thinking of what could’ve been, should’ve been. And I watch Al Gore do a slide show presentation.

3 of 5 stars.

American Dream ended

US loses to Ghana 2-1 in today’s important world cup match. They are now eliminated from this year’s play. They still haven’t won a match on European soil. Until next time.

The Ghana goals were set up by US slack play. A stolen ball and a penalty kick. Damn US play better defense.

Clint Dempsey’s goal equalizer was a great set up by DeMarcus Beasley. It was a spectactular finish. He had a good World Cup. The rest of the team stunk. The worst was the keeper Casey Keller. Did not stop anything in this match and did not really play up to his billing in the others.

Shot down in flames

Yikes, this is getting scary and fun. I dream about I again.

I’m back taking classes at Towson and my class is in the old building on campus which use to house the cs department. I get there and the class is packed so I end up near the windows in the back.

In walks the dame.

She doesn’t see me and takes a seat in the back as well. I hide from her all class until the end when we meet and exchange pleasantries.

“Hello.” “Hi.” “What’ve you been up to?”

The next class and I want to tell her something about the way that I feel. I’m going to do it afterwards.

As classes finishes, I walk out before she does. I wait for her at the bottom of the stairs. It takes her awhile to get out. I see her now amidst the crowd. As she descends, I ascend up to her.

“Hey. You got another class?” “No, I’m done.” “Can I walk with you to your car?” “Sure.” “I got something to ask.” “Yeah?”

Now here’s the deal. I want to ask her what happened between us when we were kids. Was there something there? Did I blow it? (Most likely yes and no. Stupid adolescents.) Except this is what came stammering out.

“Would you like to get coffee?” (Coffee?!)
“No. I got to run.” (Ouch)
“Uhh. I mean on saturday?”

She’s leaving and I can’t do anything about it.

“You know I’m asking you out on a date?”
“Sure.” (Meaning she knows. Damn!)

She’s getting into her Lexus SUV. Think. Desperation sets in. I can’t let her leave without attempting to re-establish a relationship.

“At least, can I get your phone nymber?”
“I’m in the book under my sister, Becky.”

Becky? What’s her last name again? O, yeah. I remember. I don’t think her sister’s name was Becky.

She’s gone and I feel low. I get into my old Jetta and smoke a cigarette.

Then I am with my cousin and brother smoking in the parking lot of Friday’s. Telling them about this. It must be my subconsious telling me to blog this. I tell them the sad tale. They say clean out your ashtray there’s cigarett butts allover the center console. I open the door to dump the ashtray out.

Then I wake up with the taste of stale cigarettes. Was this only a dream?

Update: I think that this isn’t I, but SL. Why do I think that? SL had a sister named Rebecca as hot a brunette as SL. SL was also somewhat aloof. We had good times together but nothing spectactular. There’s no history there. I usually don’t dream about her.

Software Complexity

This blog post from one of the Windows Vista managers can really sum up
many software projects. Too much complexity. Too much process
overhead. I experience this everyday and my programs are in the 100K

7 hours

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7 hours
7 hours,
originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

I just wanted to post a shot from my vacation a while back. Although most of the photos are of nothing but our hikes, it’s better than getting one of all the geeks tapping away at the keyboard.

This is while I wasted time at the airport.

Adventures from my Netflix queue: Gunslinger Girl

Gunslinger Girl is an anime DVD set in Italy with these little girls who’ve lost their previous lives and have been given cybernetic bodies and lethal skills. They are killing cyborgs. And yet they are still little girls with guns.

This anime maintains the theme that the father of all, Blade Runner, anime keeps, “Can replicants have feelings, too?” The girls have been trained and conditioned to be lethal killing machines, but they are still little girls. The cybernetic implants are slowly killing them and will they understand that their lives have a meaning outside of guns and assassinations. It is a rather sad theme. Melancholy.

The girls are teamed with an adult in a “fratello.” That is their handler. Some handlers are mean. Some are indifferent. Others are saddened by the fate the girls have been placed in. Yet they do not show love to their younger “sister” afraid at what the attachment might mean to their relationship. Will it weaken the girls’s killer instincts and place both their lives in jeopardy?

I went in thinking that this was going to be a rock ’em shoot out with little girls with guns, but it was a more moving story. I originally rated it 4 after the first disc, but the second disc dropped it to a 3 because it had too much action. I am giving it a 4 overall, because the last disc made me sad. Beethoven’s 9th and shooting stars will not be the same.

There was some action, but the languid pacing of each episode was appropriate for the theme. Do not think that this is a shoot ’em up anime or you will be disappointed. But then again, you may find the story beautiful and appreciate it for the tale it tells. I wonder what happens to them.
4 of 5 stars.