Free Software for the Mac Community

The fine folks at MacZOT and TheCodingMonkeys will award $105,000 in Mac Software. The free software they’re giving out is the wonderful text editor, SubEthaEdit from CodingMonkeys. You must participate in BLOGZOT 2.0 on to join in on the fun.

SubEthaEdit is a collaborative text editor. You and you’re coding friends can practice pair programming using this text editor. I’ve always wanted to give it a try, so go over there, help the Mac community get some free software, and participate in BLOGZOT 2.0.

Wes Anderson’s American Express

This weekend caught American Dreamz (1 of 5 stars, thoughts on film coming) at the AMC movie house furthest from my house but within 2 miles of another one. That is another story. Before the movie began, though they played this commercial for American Express cards featuring Wes Anderson of Rushmore fame. Watch it. Like me, you’ll wonder when the Wilson brothers will show up.

CS 774 Dev Log

Worked continued on my project.

Scene List window
Location List window
Character List window
View menus wired in

To do:
Script writing functionality
Storyboard functionality

Lessons learned:
I wish some people (*cough) were at 10.3 so that I could use some of the data array controllers to handle the location character and scene stuff.

Refactoring ideas:

Thank You For Smoking

I just wrote that title as “Thank You For Not Smoking,” but caught myself before the major faux pas.

Well, to pass Easter Sunday off and to load up on even more food while doing nothing, I caught Thank You For Smoking at a pricey matinee. I got the student discount, but damn the prices went up.

The movie was a riot. It is all the things that you think the big tobacco does to promote their stuff. The guy is that dude who “can pick up any girl at any time.” Slimy. A lobbyist. I laughed plenty all the way through. They came up with ways to spin things that were outrageous but funny. It is cynical.

4 of 5 stars.

CS 774 Dev Log

Working on a project for CS 774 HCI.

Open window

To Do:
Scene List
Location List
Character List
Wire in the menu items
Draw the scene in the scriptview

Lessons Learned:
NSToolbar — creation (I also need some icons)
NSWindowController — opening a new NSWindow

Refactor Ideas:
The document should be pulling data from a different source so that both the storyboard window can access the script elements.